"Hellmann's characteristic is to always listen and be willing to solve problems and support their people. "
ADRIAN DI LOLLO, Operational Manager
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Are you wondering about what working at Hellmann can be like? Adrian will tell you:

Operational Manager
Buenos Aires
Adrian, thank you for walking us through your journey at Hellmann! When you think back to your first day- What was your first impression?
I was pleasantly surprised. From the first day I was comfortable. I was impressed with their professionalism.
That was back in 2005, right? How did this first impression hold up?
My first impression proved to be true and real. Every day is a challenge, no day is the same. Problems arise but we always give them an immediate solution.
That’s great to hear! And during the time that have been here, what has been your greatest professional success so far?
I was hired to develop the HPL department whose division was number 1 in Air Exports for 5 years and in the top 5 for 10 years.
Wow, that is really impressive! And when you think about the working environment- What is working at Hellmann like?
With my experience in the field, I can say that it is quite comfortable and enjoyable. The atmosphere is just like at home: sometimes there are differences of opinion, but we always strive for the good of the company.
It's nice that you feel comfortable working here. In your opinion, what makes Hellmann a great place to be?
Professionalism and passion. Hellmann's characteristic is to always listen and be willing to solve problems and support their people. I appreciate that they are always training their employees and that they are at the vanguard of the sector. It's always a good time at Hellmann, it's like my home, my family.