"We all share the same philosophy and family values that guides us."
Agustina Fauerbach , Seafreight Export Operator
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Meet our Seafreight Export Operator Augustina, the woman who started her career with Hellman in Argentina in 2021 and now she is a part of our team in Vienna!

Agustina Fauerbach
Seafreight Export Operator
Thank you for sharing your story with us! Could you tell us about what your journey at Hellmann has been like so far?
My first career steps at Hellman were as an Import Customer Service representative. In the first few weeks I have been handling occasional customer accounts and soon after I was able to coordinate distinguishes accounts, especially in automotive filed, managing their sea and air shipments. […] Searching for an international experience, where I could use and practice my German language skills, I informed our CEO of Argentina, Lucas Mac Gaw, my managers, and HR. Through the job searching, Hellmann Austria had a position for an Export Sea freight Operator, which I applied for and after all the required job interviews, I got the job.
That sounds like a very exciting career step! What about your job do you enjoy the most?
I find joy in communication, speaking, listening, and fulfilling the customer’s needs. I like proposing alternatives, overcoming the daily challenges, avoiding conflicts, resolving situations, and ensuring that shipments arrive on time, meeting our customer´s requirements.
And what has been your favorite moment at Hellmann so far?
It's hard for me to answer because since I joined Hellmann Argentina in February 2021 until now, I've been surrounded by wonderful people and great moments. I can recall a special moment at Hellmann Argentina, when I was recognized by all the staff as the best Customer Service employee and the Best Colleague in 2022.
Those are some great accomplishments! What is working at Hellmann like?
Being part of Hellmann is an achievement. It's about feeling like a player on the same team, moving forward together, sharing in the workplace. Even when shipments or coordination’s get complicated despite good intentions, I know the Hellmann team is with me, and I can count on them to overcome it. This extends to personal aspects as well, when we go on outings or excursions.
And what about the atmosphere?
Good atmosphere. Good management. Good communication. There's room for open discussion and feedback, and the supervisor always have an ear for you.
That’s great to hear! Why is Hellmann the right place to be in your opinion?
Because of the people who make up the team, including everyone at Hellmann, from Osnabrück to the agencies in Europe, America, Asia, and Oceania. We all share the same philosophy and family values that guides us.
So you can feel the Hellmann spirit even across country borders. And what is collaboration at Hellmann like?
My experience at Hellmann has always been very positive, characterized by collaboration and teamwork. We have a collaborative team that integrates many cultures, and I appreciate the diversity of skills and perspectives. Additionally, training programs and development initiatives strengthen the team.
But even strong teams can get that typical Monday feeling…how do you deal with that at Hellmann?
Mondays are days when we can organize the week, and it's crucial to have a motivating team and an enjoyable atmosphere to make it easier to navigate through the day.
Sounds like your team is well prepared for that! Augustina, could you sum up what working at Hellmann means to you?
It means working with wonderful people from all around the world, enriching myself with diverse cultures and experiences, in the dynamic, complex, and exciting environment of international trade.
Augustina’s application tips:
It's important to understand the values and philosophy of the company. Analyzing the needs of each position and assessing whether my knowledge and experience can be beneficial for the job is crucial.