"You can learn a lot and contribute all your knowledge."
Alejandro Alarcón , Pricing Senior Seafreight
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Want to know what working with us is like? Let Alejandro tell you what being part of Hellmann means to him:

Alejandro Alarcón
Pricing Senior Seafreight
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, Alejandro. Could you tell us more about what your position at Hellmann is?
I’ve started as Pricing Senior in Seafreight, and now I’m Team Leader. That is something I really enjoy, because I like to share my knowledge with people and guide them through their careers.
It’s so great that you are able to support your team-members with their careers! But why did you choose the logistics field in the first place?
Because I am fascinated by how everything is connected, each link the big supply chain management. Working in Seafreight, I love that each inquiry is different, even when it is the same customer and lane, there is always something new to learn. I enjoy being in contact with my colleagues around the world to learn about how logistics is managed it in each different country.
When you think back to your first day at Hellmann, how did it go?
It was great, I received a lot of information about everything, each area, each step I would be following. People were charming, kind and very supportive.
That’s a great first impression to have! Has it changed in any way- How would you describe working at Hellmann now?
It’s learning, giving and receiving the best from each member of this family. And just like in a family, we sometimes we have different points of view, but in the end, we can talk about it and learn from each other.
Fantastic! And what do you personally value the most about working here?
At Hellmann, people are always open to hear your ideas and needs. We can develop our skills, keep learning, and you are offered lots of opportunities.
Speaking of ideas - Do you have any ways of dealing with that typical “Monday feeling” ?
The Monday feeling is something that is unavoidable, but at Hellmann we try to clear our agendas so you can focus on what is pending so you don’t feel overwhelmed. And in case you need some help, the doors are always open.
Alejandro, what does being part of the Hellmann FAMILY mean to you?
It means being part of something big. Sometimes I’m on the street or on the market and I see some items and can say: We imported it with Hellmann from another country and it feels really satisfying, like you're part of something huge, a big supply chain. You can learn a lot and contribute all your knowledge. You’ll be appreciated by our experienced people.
Alejandro’s application tips:
Show yourself, be confident, you’re here to give us your strengths and we will support you with your weaknesses.