"Hellmann is special for being able to both push yourself to be a better professional every day and also a better person"
ALEJANDRO DIAZ, Seafreight Sales Supervisor
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Alejandro has been with Hellmann for over 10 years now! Would you like to learn more about the experiences he has made?

Seafreight Sales Supervisor
Buenos Aires
Alejandro, you have been with Hellmann for quite some time now! Could you tell us about your position and what your job entails?
My current job is Seafreight Sales Supervisor and Vertical Industry Supervisor for the Renewable Energy Vertical. My job as a VIS Energy is to develop and offer all the Hellmann logistics services portfolio to customers in this line of the Energy business.
What made you become interested in logistics in the first place?
I've always loved logistics and trade as a young person because I believe that is what makes the world turn regarding business from factories that produce item X to end users who use them daily or require them to produce a new good.
It’s great that you work in a field you feel passionate about! What has been your greatest professional success so far?
There are many things that make me proud as a professional both in Hellmann as well as in other companies I’ve worked for, but without a doubt the one I’m most proud of is being recognized as a caring and good-hearted person by the customers I have the pleasure of working with, but also with my work colleagues, because its something that transcends work and fulfills oneself as a human being.
That’s wonderful to hear! What has been your favorite moment with Hellmann?
Luckily, I’ve had had many good moments at Hellmann but one I recall was travelling by train from Germany to the Netherlands for a Global Sales Event with all of the LATAM colleagues back in 2019 in which the entire train carriage was filled with Hellmann people having a blast, talking, building relationships, smiling and enjoying the 3 hour trip without stopping.
Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun! Now that you’ve been here for quite a long time, what is working at Hellmann like?
It feels like working as a family because we all strive to achieve our common goals while taking care of each other, which makes it more than just "a workplace".
That sounds amazing! Could you tell us, why you think Hellmann is the right employer for you?
Because I’ve learned a lot of things along the way for the past 10 years, both professionally and personally speaking and it keeps encouraging me to keep improving. Working at Hellmann means to me the possibility to do what I love combined with everyday growth [...], keeping me interested in logistics and being able to work globally with experts who all have something to offer so I can become the best Logistics Rockstar as we call it … it's really special.
Your journey is really inspiring, Alejandro! But what do you do, when you get that typical Monday feeling?
Talking or interacting with my teammates makes that Monday feeling go away.
Alejandro’s application tips:
Be truthful about your goals and what you want to become in Hellmann.