"Hellmann is where I've had the opportunity to become a better person and a better professional. "
Anderson Laurindo Lopes dos Santos, Accounts supervisor
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What can you expect when working at Hellmann? Let Anderson give you some insights?

Anderson Laurindo Lopes dos Santos
Accounts supervisor
Sao Paolo
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Anderson! Could you tell us how you first came to Hellmann?
I was hired at Hellmann in 2022 where I worked as a contingent worker.I was promoted to Accounting Coordinator and six months later I was promoted to Accounting Supervisor. That same year I started my postgraduate course in Controllership and Business Management, which I plan to complete in October 2024.
Those are some impressive achievements! What excites you about the field you’re in?
It's learning every day, learning to deal with people, interacting and when you explain something to someone and they understand. That's what makes me enthusiastic, when someone recognizes your efforts and supports you.
It sounds like you are really passionate about what you do! Could you maybe also tell us more about what your team is like?
My team is made up of a Manager, a Supervisor and an Analyst. It is a competent, united and dedicated team.
So you feel good about your team- that’s great! And what makes Hellmann the best employer for you?
Hellmann is where I've had the opportunity to become a better person and a better professional. I value the atmosphere, the people you meet and the warm welcome.
What does working at Hellmann mean to you?
Working in a company with so much tradition and that has been keeping up to date and has been taking good care of its employees makes me excited, all this care that our management has showed and implemented is the fruit of what Hellmann has been planting since 2022 with Let's Lead. The training of new leaders is essential for the smooth running of the organisation and this care only shows how far Hellmann is thinking into the future. I'm very happy to be part of this team.
That’s amazing. But you surely are still familiar with this typical “Monday feeling”. How do you get over that at Hellmann?
I have short and long-term goals, I make the most of my weekends with leisure, and working on Monday is just another Friday, I feel just as excited. When you love what you do, there's no good or bad day, you have a day to fulfill with excellence.
Anderson's application tips:
Work with excellence, keeping up to date in your field is what makes the difference.