"Being able to lead a team and see how everyone starts to develop their career path is priceless."
Carlos Alas, Treasury Supervisor
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Not only did Carlos grow at Hellmann, he now is also part of other people’s development! Let him tell you more about his journey with us:

Carlos Alas
Treasury Supervisor
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Carlos! What is your current position and what do you like about it?
I am currently Treasury Supervisor-US. I love the freedom to decide and to plan according to my expertise as well as designing important processes. Also, being able to lead a team and see how everyone starts to develop their career path is priceless. I really feel respected among my colleagues, my supervisors and among the rest of the organization.
That sounds amazing! What sparked your interest in the field you’re in?
In my field, there are always difficult situations to be solved, non-structured issues directly related to my area or others. That keeps me interested on how everything is connected and how I can create an impact in different areas. I actually really hated accounting when I was at University but after working in an accounting related department at Hellmann, the love started. It was not purely accounting but accounting was a big part of my main tasks.
So Hellmann helped you develop an interest for Accounting. During the time you’ve worked with us, what project are you particularly proud of?
My best project has been the development of people that are currently in regional positions and regional teams and having zero staff turnover rate for several years until 2023. But the systems I designed that are currently in use for the US organization or in CR make me feel proud as well. I am proud to belong to a company that still has room for personal initiatives impacting the business.
Sounds like your input really has made an impact within Hellmann! That’s fantastic! What was your best moment at Hellmann so far?
Back when I had been at Hellmann for only one year, I was required at a regional US meeting. Unfortunately I had no visa at that time. But I felt fortunate, since not even my superiors were invited but they invited me, a person with a management role. That made me feel proud of my tasks and boosted my confidence. I was also selected to go to Mexico in 2023 and could see with my own eyes the best training event in HWL so far. It was more than a work-related trip, it was an experience for me.
That must have been a very special experience! And in your opinion, what makes Hellmann special as an employer?
Hellmann does not want to make everybody look the same or think the same. In some organisations, you need to have certain technical qualifications exactly to the penny, even if they don’t reflect your actual performance. HWL considers your experience and your soft skills that are being proven during the pure performance of the task. So for new generations that are eager to growth quickly, this can be a fast way to develop and accelerate the rhythm within their team.
Carlos, What does working at Hellmann mean to you?
Since day one somebody mentioned it would be an adventure and I think the adventure is still ongoing. Sometimes the level of energy is not the same due to external or internal pressures, but the spirit to know that other challenges are coming makes me feel aligned again. Hellmann came to my life during a difficult time and provided me stability, new friends and knowledge which I will be always thankful for.
Carlos' application tips:
Behave like if you were at the dinner with your own family, be interested in what others have to say and be transparent. Show emotions, emotions play a key role in HWL.