"It has taught me how to work towards my goals and what real teamwork means."
Diego Ugalde, AFI Gateway Supervisor
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Would you like to know more about working at Hellmann? Diego will share his experiences with you:

Diego Ugalde
AFI Gateway Supervisor
Thank you for telling us about your journey, Diego! What has your career at Hellmann been like so far?
My career at Hellmann started in June 2020 and has been very successful. I arrived as an agent and by working hard, I reached my position as AFI Gateway Supervisor and will continue to learn and grow.
And what makes Airfreight interesting to you?
I am fascinated by the Airfreight itself, being a very dynamic process and with very short reaction times. So as the pressure increases, it brings out the best in you and the knowledge that you acquire day by day is very broad.
Seems like you have found the right place for you, in Airfreight! What about your job at Hellmann do you like the most?
I am excited about the knowledge I acquired from the people from various branches, since they have a long time of experience and teach us to continue growing in this area. But also working with the great team that I have in AFI Gateway that makes me proud to see them grow and acquire new knowledge day by day.
Speaking of your team- Could you tell us more about them?
My team is a group of fighters, who work to improve the process every day, and who challenge me to help them grow and develop their skills. I like the resilience they possess in all aspects of their work and life.
That’s amazing! What can you tell us about team-work at Hellmann?
The teamwork at Hellmann is undeniably valuable. From my personal experience since the beginning, I’ve learned the importance of teamwork from others, and I strive to instill this value in each member of the organization.
It’s great to hear that you enjoy the team-work here! What was your best moment at Hellmann so far?
I have many good moments, one of them was when they gave me the opportunity to be a supervisor and recognized me for the work I had done during the time I have worked at Hellmann CR. Another good memory was when they gave me the opportunity to travel to two different branches to continue with the implementation and growth of Gateway.
What is the working atmosphere like?
You can feel the “caring” in this atmosphere. We work as a team, no matter what country you are working from.
It is the best opportunity I have ever had. It has taught me how to work towards my goals and what real teamwork means, no matter the branch or office that you are working for. And this has made me even more interested in the logistics industry.
Sounds like a great environment! But what do you do when you encounter that typical Monday feeling?
You get over the Monday feeling quickly at Hellmann, because they have taught us that by working together as a family, we can overcome any kind of challenge. If there is someone who is down, the rest of the team helps them to get up and keep swimming in the same direction.