"You are in a good place regarding friendships and colleagues"
Enrique Muñoz, Seafreight Customer Service Operator
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To Enrique, the friendships and connections are what make Hellmann so special. Would you like to know more about what being part of the Hellmann FAMILY looks like?

Enrique Muñoz
Seafreight Customer Service Operator
Enrique, thank you for telling us about your journey! How did you end up with Hellmann?
I started at Hellmann when I was 18 years old while I was in Highschool. I've started my career in International Business when I was 19 years old, also at Hellmann.
So Hellmann is where your career first started. And what is your current job?
I am Seafreight Customer Service Operator since August 2023. I call customers to check if they have a new shipment for Hellmann and if they need help. If we have some shipments in transit, we keep them updated on the status of the shipment.
You’re in constant contact with costumers- that must be really interesting! What fascinates you the most about the field you’re in?
I love how we can be in touch with people of a different country and see all the different processes. Those things are amazing to me. I also like to talk with other Hellmann branches in other countries and develop new friendships that way.
In such a field, it probably won’t get boring! Is there a moment at Hellmann that has been particularly memorable to you?
When I got more experience in Airfreight Export, my last team decided to give me one of the most important customers for Hellmann Global. I was only 20 years old and for me this was very unbelievable. I was saying: “Oh my god… this is a lot of responsibility!” because I was still studying then. So on weekends I dealt with these important shipments – and my homework. For me, I can consider this is one of the my greatest successes.
It's impressive how you’ve handled this kind of responsibility so well! And more generally, what is working at Hellmann like?
You are in a good place regarding friendships and colleagues. They can help you a lot. You feel good and enjoy your job while you can talk with them. They can give you the opportunity to develop and reach for a new position.
And what exactly makes Hellmann the right employer for you?
Hellmann is a great company where everyone feels supported at every level, making it an excellent working environment where you can work comfortably and grow your professional career. I really value, that we are all work colleagues and friends. And that my work is rewarded and appreciated.
That sounds amazing! Could you tell us more about what working with your colleagues is like?
I am part of a team that’s made up of a supervisor and 16 team-mates. We are all good colleagues and friends. It is a very good working environment. Everyone's support and kindness to each other is always a strong point for this team and I truly enjoy the companionship and relationships that are forged.
Enrique's application tips:
If you are considering applying; just give it a try! Whatever the decision of the management, everything always happens for a reason - just never give up!