"Working at Hellmann means to me close cooperation with logistics experts paying attention to interpersonal relations."
Ewa Lalak, Senior Specialist HR
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Do you want to find out what makes Working at Hellmann special? Ewa will tell you:

Ewa Lalak
Senior Specialist HR
Ewa, it is great that you are open to sharing your story. Maybe you could start by telling us, since when you are with Hellmann?
I’ve been working at Hellmann since 2001. During these years I had the opportunity to work in our various branches and departments in positions related to sales, marketing, PR and internal communication and for a long time in HR, which is my greatest love.
That sounds like a great variety of topics! What is your current job?
I’ve been working in HR department in our Polish Headquater in Raszyn near Warsaw. I’m a senior specialist, with extensive responsibilities related to the whole employee work life cycle -i.e. recruitment processes, development programs, daily services to our employees (administration and support). A big part of my work is cooperation with management team and my HR colleagues from other Hellmann countries in the implementation of global projects.
What has been your greatest professional success so far? Is there a project you are proud of?
Looking back, there were certainly many memorable moments. Currently, a project that I thoroughly enjoy and take pride in being involved with is serving as an internal coach in the training program for our leaders - Let's Lead. For the better.
You are part of Hellmann since more than 20 years. What was your first impression of Hellmann?
My first impression was, that this is a company where interpersonal relationships are really important.
From your perspective, what is working at Hellmann like?
It’s a good place for work. The company pays attention to relationships and gives development opportunities to people who want to develop. We put emphasis on open communication and we rely on each other.
Hellmann has given me the opportunity to develop and test myself in various fields and positions. I've met many people here whom I consider close friends.
Now let's talk about your team. How is your team made up and how would you describe your team?
The polish HR team consist of 4 people: one HR manager and 3 specialists. My team is a dream team. We support ourselves in achieving our goals and team work is really important for us. What I like the most about our team is our diversity, camaraderie and spirit of cooperation.
Ewa's application tips:
Be yourself and focus on your strengths.