"I feel comfortable at Hellmann because it has allowed me to find the best role that fits my experience and goals"
GERMAN CLAIR, Business Partner Controller
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Would you like to know how you can develop your career at Hellmann? German will share his experience with you:

Business Partner Controller
Buenos Aires
Thank you for sharing your story with us, German! Do you remember, how you first came to Hellmann?
First, I worked at an import company for six years, then I switched to a local freight forwarder, where I stayed for three years before reaching Hellmann in 2018. Adjusting to how a multinational company worked seemed challenging at first. However, the team received me with open arms, sharing information, advice or friendly conversation, and I was able to adapt quickly.
And how did your career develop after that?
I first started with the Customer Service team, coordinating Air & Sea import shipments for our customers from the automotive industry. After almost two years I applied for a move to the Finance team when a Controller position opened up. I took on the role at the same time as the COVID-19 pandemic hit Argentina. This extended my transition period from Customer Service to Finance as we were adjusting to working remotely, and I ended up working on both teams at the same time for a few months before fully transferring to Finance. Here I’ve been able to learn about various administration and finance processes while staying close to the operational side as I further develop my role as a Business Partner Controller.
What an interesting career journey! What fascinates you about your job and why did you choose it?
The opportunity to have a wider view of the company by participating in various areas. Even though I didn’t know the controller position existed as such before, I’ve always been interested in this type of role. I also think it provides a good baseline for growing professionally within the company. I really like the fact that I get to have a wider overall vision of the company’s performance, as my role allows me to participate in different areas such as Finance, Accounting, Operations, Sales, etc.
It sounds like this position could give you some new perspectives and insights on Hellmann! What has been your best moment at Hellmann so far?
Being chosen to take part in the Talents4Finance development program and travelling to the company headquarters in Osnabrück, Germany for a week-long training with colleagues from all over the world.
That seems like a great experience. If you had to sum it up: What makes Hellmann the best employer for you?
It is a family-owned multinational company with a strong focus on culture that makes their people a top priority. I feel comfortable at Hellmann because it has allowed me to find the best role that fits my experience and goals, and keeps supporting me in pushing my career forward. […] they support my career goals and invest in training their staff.
German’s application tips:
Hellmann is an international company, and we must communicate regularly with people from all over the world. Being fluent in English or any other foreign language is definitely a plus, no matter which role you apply for.