"This is the best field for your personal growth."
Ignotas Braziulis, Head of Road Operations
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What Ignotas values the most about Hellmann is the trust and the freedom. Find out what else you can find at Hellmann:

Ignotas Braziulis
Head of Road Operations
Thank you for sharing your story with us, Ignotas! Could you tell us more about your journey with Hellmann? How did it start?
I saw an advertisement at university about Internship programs in HWL and sent my request. I got a call in 15 minutes and here I am. That was in 2010. Now I am head for road operations since 2019.
That sounds like a great development! And what does your position entail?
Building and controlling teams which work with the Road product as well as being responsible for all the processes and the commitments we gave to our clients.
And what about your job fascinates you the most?
It is very active and teams-based work. Additionally, Lithuania is very strong in this sector therefore we have big opportunities for career path. And it is exciting that you can do unimaginable things, just with one phone call.
Sounds like you are really passionate about your job! Is there a certain project you are particularly proud of?
I remember my first touch with logistics: We had to transport all concrete constructions for a new football stadium at Sweden in several month. Around 200 FTL LKW. It was really huge.
That must have been an interesting project! Could you tell us more about what working at Hellmann is like?
It feels like working with your family. The atmosphere is positive and supportive. You do not feel needless pressure or micromanagement and you have a space to do your best.
What about Hellmann do you value the most?
Trust and Freedom.
What about collaboration? What’s that like at Hellmann?
We have teams divided by regions or countries. Each team has different members from 2 to 7 employees. We all work together very closely every single day. And we also contact customers, partners and collaborate with the sales team.
And what do you like the most about your team?
We are open minded, communicating, always trying to assist each other. We are friendly inside and outside of work. You can have a good time in the office and also in the evening you can have a fun time while doing various activities.
That is great! Do you have a favorite memory of you and your team?
There are plenty of them during those years, but I remember our very fun trip with the ferry from Riga to Stockholm. It was the first trip with the Hellmann team, my first time in Sweden, and first time with such a ferry. We had so many laughs and good memories that we are still talking about.
What a great experience! If you had to sum it up: What does working at Hellmann mean to you?
It is like working hand in hand with best friends, doing something you love and you are 100% into it. Your internationally experienced team is supporting you, while world renowned clients are challenging you. This is the best field for your personal growth. You are free to create something big and leave your footprint.
Ignotas' application tips:
Don’t think too much – just try, send your CV and feel the Family vibes. They spread so fast.