"I am working in a very dynamic environment."
ISABEL MARTÍNEZ HERREROS , Seafreight Export Specialist
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Would you like to know what makes working with us exciting? Isabel will tell you:

Seafreight Export Specialist
Isabel, it is great that you are open to sharing your story. Maybe you could start by telling us, what your current position is and what responsibilities you have?
As a seafreight specialist in the maritime export operations department my main function is to organize the whole transport chain; from pick up to final delivery. I am in continuous contact with the customer, with our suppliers and with all our agents to offer the best service.
What makes working at Hellmann special?
For me, working at Hellmann is exciting because every day I keep learning and training. We are in a sector in continuous movement and that makes it a very dynamic job; every day a new challenge can come along; and at Hellmann we are ready for it!