"Hellmann is a world of opportunities."
Jazmin Jimenez, Business Analyst
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Are you interested to know more about how you can grow and develop at Hellmann?

Jazmin Jimenez
Business Analyst
Jazmin, how did your journey at Hellmann start?
I started as an intern here at Hellmann. I studied Software Engineering, so I was a software developer at first, and 3 months ago I was offered a new role as Business Analyst.
That sounds like an impressive development! What has your career at Hellmann been like so far?
It’s been great! I adore Hellmann, it feels like home. I’ve been trained, and I’ve learned so much throughout these years. I appreciate the opportunity I was given to grow and learn new things.
What fascinates you about your field and why did you choose the job?
I’s so interesting to be able to be creative and learn new things every day, that’s why I accepted this position as Business Analyst. I also have the opportunity to interact with so many people, it’s great. I must say everything, every task I do, every meeting I have is exciting. Hellmann is a world of opportunities.
It’s so great that you enjoy what you do! But was it always like this? How did your first day go?
My first day at Hellmann was amazing! I was treated with such respect and love, I remember my manager took me to meet the whole floor, they all were super kind. It took just this moment for me to fall in love with Hellmann.
And when you first walked through the office with your manager, what was your first impression of Hellmann?
That it was a very nice place, and that it was also a safe place for me, like home. And honestly, since the first week I knew I was right about my first impression, and so far it’s been proven over and over
That’s wonderful to hear! And now that you’ve been here for a while, what is working at Hellmann like?
It’s great, here you will ALWAYS be heard and helped. There’s always a special someone there to cheer you on and make you feel powerful. The working atmosphere is also great, I always see everyone happy.
Let’s talk about team-work: What do you value the most about your team?
Their caring self and how powerful and inspiring they are.
It’s so nice, when you can count on your team for inspiration! And how would you describe collaboration at Hellmann in general?
It’s great, you would never get a no from anybody. Team-work rules at Hellmann.
But despite the atmosphere and the team-work, do you still sometimes get the typical Monday feeling?
As I always say, Monday means there’s a new opportunity, a new week and new challenges! So I have not had that Monday feeling at all!
Jazmin, can you finish this sentence: “Working at Hellman to me is…”
…a dream. It’s a dream to be surrounded with such lovely people, and besides that have the chance to truly impact their daily work. It makes me feel empowered and happy! It also opens the whole world for you to explore.