"I appreciate the proactivity of the team members."
Juan Carlos Chavez, Regional Technology Services Manager
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What makes Team-work at Hellmann special? Juan will tell you:

Juan Carlos Chavez
Regional Technology Services Manager
Juan, it is great that you are sharing your story with us. What has your career at Hellmann been like so far?
It has been very good, I started as a programmer for almost 10 years, then I was promoted to supervisor and a year later to manager of the ISA department, where I am in charge of the application teams and the BO team. My current position is Regional Technology Services Manager since 2018.
What about your job do you enjoy the most?
What I enjoy the most is delivering high quality applications that fulfill the customer needs.
You come from the field of software engineering, right? What attracted you to the logistics industry?
Logistics is a very complex industry where transportation coordination and visibility is a challenge, so being able to deliver and meet customer expectation is truly satisfying. From my point of view, technology and specially the software is the core to provide a high quality service to our customers with web portal, reports, EDI, APIs, internal software and more.
So your job is really intertwined with many parts of logistics, that’s exciting! How was your first day of working at Hellmann?
My first day at Hellmann was very relaxed because it was just a quick introduction that prepared me for my first trip abroad to start working with the applications team in Miami. That's where the fun began! Developing for many projects they had in line.
What a unique first-day-experience! What was your best moment at Hellmann so far?
I would say that my best moment was my first trip to Germany to learn and share with developers in Osnabrück. It not only helped me grow as a professional but changed my perspective of the life and the logistics industry. And more importantly, I met people who are still very good friends.
That sounds like a very impactful trip! What makes Hellmann special as an employer to you?
Comparing Hellmann with the other companies I have worked for, I can say that the family atmosphere and true care for employees make Hellmann an excellent place to work and the main reason why I have been with the company for more than 15 years. You can feel the company and the managers really support the employees.
Could you maybe also tell us something about your team?
We have a very friendly environment in our team, where you are free to contribute new ideas to improve and innovate our developments. Since I took over the department, we have not had a resignation or dismissal, which speaks highly of the team.
That’s quite impressive! And what about your team do you value the most?
The good relationship between the team members, we are all good friends. And I appreciate the proactivity of the team in bringing forth new ideas.
What is the best memory of you and your team?
I would say that the best memory I have with the team is from a team building that we had at my house. We had a BBQ and each member of the team was in charge of making something. Although some things did not go so well, it was very fun. The team laughed and we had some very good conversations.
Juan's application tips:
Proactivity, communication, commitment, problem solving and team work are things that I value the most.