"Every day, I experience true team collaboration."
Nimesha Dissanayaka, Senior Executive
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Do you want to know what atmosphere to expect, when working at HMSC? Nimesha will tell you:

Nimesha Dissanayaka
Senior Executive
Nimesha, it’s awesome that you are willing to share your story. Would you tell us, what’s your current position at Hellmann and what your job looks like?
Currently, I am leading the Pricing and Procurement team to deliver the best air and sea freight solutions to our customers. In this role I am responsible for handling all freight forwarders to prepare a weekly freight rate card and monthly sailing/flying schedules for MAS Holdings cargo, while also maintaining a Daily Status Report (DSR) for all bookings and in-transit shipments of MAS. Additionally, managing the forwarder onboarding process, coordinating forwarder and customer (MAS) meetings, conducting rate analysis, generating volume reports, overseeing new projects (such as courier services and MAS requirements across various freight origins), and managing other day-to-day tasks while leading a team of three members across all 19 MAS clusters.
Sounds like a great variety of tasks. Do you still remember what your first impression of Hellmann was?
People make the team. When I joined as an intern, I was as nervous as any other newcomer. However, the warm welcome and thorough training enabled me to advance to a senior executive position within four years. I believe that people form the first impression of any company or place. How individuals behave, how they treat others, their verbal reactions, and their helpfulness directly shape the company's identity. From identifying with my department colleagues on day one to interacting with teams from other departments, I came to understand what HMSC is about. The positive treatment of employees has been a source of great satisfaction for me, and it continues to be so.
Sounds like a great start! And what is working at HMSC like?
Since I'm working with a team in the 4PL freight management department, which is a team-oriented workplace, I am constantly motivated by my team. The collaboration, goal achievement, meeting shipment deadlines, recognizing everyone as a significant part of the process, and dedication inspire me to perform every task accurately and ethically. This environment also creates more opportunities for growth. It feels like home.
Let's talk about your team. How is your team made up? What is the team composition?
Besides myself, there are 10 other operators, all of whom have different characteristics, knowledge, skills, and disciplinary backgrounds, making us a goal-achieving team.
How do you experience the collaboration at HMSC?
Every day, I experience true team collaboration. Our team is a self-disciplined team and focuses on daily difficult tasks with big smiles on all faces.
Since the HMSC family culture is so enjoyable and hassle-free, we find Mondays just as enjoyable as any other days at HMSC.