"It gives me the opportunity to connect with people from my country and around the world."
Pablo Chero, Head of HPL
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Pablo has been with Hellmann for more than 25 years! Are you interested to hear about his experiences?

Pablo Chero
Head of HPL
Thank you, for sharing your story with us, Pablo! When exactly did you start at Hellmann and what has your career been like?
I started in 1998. For me, working at Hellmann Peru has been, is, and will continue to be a constant challenge due to the continuous changes in logistics locally and worldwide.
Wow, you must have gained a lot of experience over the years! What position do you currently hold?
I am Head of HPL. I have been responsible for the entire perishables area at Hellmann Peru for many years.
What fascinates you about your job?
I enjoy listening to others and I am passionate about traveling. Initially, I chose this job out of necessity, but I quickly fell in love with it, as it gives me the opportunity to connect with people from my country and around the world and I also had the opportunity to travel to several countries. I enjoy exchanging ideas with others and, above all, I am passionate about meeting the needs of our customers, finding innovative solutions for their international shipments and making the most of Hellmann's extensive global network.
So you have seen a lot of the world during your Hellmann travels! What was your best moment at Hellmann so far?
My best moment at Hellmann was when I celebrated my 20th anniversary working here (I will celebrate my 26th anniversary in July of this year).
26 years - that is truly remarkable! And with your experience, what is working at Hellmann like?
For me it's not a job, it's a pleasure to do what you like and even better if you get paid for doing what you like. Working at Hellmann is very dynamic and you always have to be aware of changes. What makes Hellmann special is that if you are hardworking, honest, loyal, attentive to customers, etc., you will have opportunities to get to know other countries, and you could even develop a professional career.
That sounds wonderful! How about your team, could you tell us more about them?
All the members of my team get along well. I have a team with people who have innovative ideas. Some are more observant, others have more creative ideas to innovate or seek solutions to customer problems, others are more methodical, others are more extroverted, and so on. When there are disagreements for any reason, I listen to each one and then I bring the team together to find a solution.
Sounds like a fantastic team! Do you have any special memories with them, that you could share with us?
It’s always nice when we get together for special dates like last Christmas. My best memory was when I celebrated 20 years at Hellmann. The company made a big party to celebrate their 20 years in Peru and we celebrated with all of the company.
That surely was a very memorable celebration! But not every day can be a party- how do you deal with that typical Monday feeling at Hellmann?
It’s no secret that Mondays are challenging for work, but at Hellmann’s, due to our continuous efforts, we quickly forget that it’s Monday and channel all our energy into our tasks.
Pablo's application tips:
See alternative solutions, even if it often seems that there are none. And always be empathetic with everyone.