"The sense of teamwork and empathy that you find in every team and leadership still fascinates me."
Paola Barquero, Accounting Process Specialist
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Paola loves working at Hellmann for the collaborative culture, the empathetic support and the commitment to excellence. Find out what else you can find at Hellmann:

Paola Barquero
Accounting Process Specialist
Paola, thank you for sharing your story. What is your current job and what fascinates you about your field?
I’m currently working as an Accounting Process Specialist for the past two years. My interest in accounting started at Hellmann […]. Accounting has a lot of career fields that you can pursue based on your interest and you can go in any direction that you see fit
What about your job do you enjoy the most?
What I enjoy the most in my job is the problem-solving and finding ways to improve even the tiniest thing. Not everybody likes numbers but accounting is not only crunching numbers; it is a whole world of possibilities that can help a business make informed decisions.
That sounds really exciting! But what was it like when you started? First days can be nerve-wrecking sometimes…
To be honest, I was terrified. I didn’t know what to expect but as the hours passed, everything fell into to place and everyone was so welcoming that it I felt that I was in the right place.
That’s great to hear! Do you still remember what your first impression of Hellmann was?
My initial impression was positive. I found the work culture to be collaborative and supportive with a strong emphasis on teamwork and continuous improvement.
Could you tell us what team-work at Hellmann looks like?
My team is awesome. I’d like to describe ourselves as a very hard working team, that is always willing to help each other when needed the most. We have been together for quite some time, so we know each other well so we have the confidence to speak up or offer our support.
Sounds like a fantastic team! What do you like the most about your team members?
That we hold a deep respect for one another’s skills sets and capabilities, that we support each other and recognize our strengths and achievements.
That really is a team you can be proud to be a part of!
Yes, I cannot be prouder of my team because when any of us raise our hands for help we are ALWAYS there even if it’s something personal, not always we have the answers, but we look a way to help each other or someone from other departments. So, the collaboration experience at Hellmann is always present and its part of who we are
That’s wonderful, Paola! And overall, what has working at Hellmann been like for you?
Working at Hellmann has been a very enriching experience. I have learned from incredible people who are always willing to share their knowledge. The sense of teamwork and empathy that you find in every team and leadership still fascinates me. Hellmann is an organization that prioritizes our well-being, fosters a sense of belonging, provide us the opportunities for learning and most importantly recognized the hard work. It’s a great place to be because it consistently demonstrates these qualities and values.
Paola's application tips:
Stay true to yourself and show a good attitude.