"I have all the opportunities to work and spend time with my family."
Reka Bokros, Operator Shared Service Center
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What makes Hellmann such a flexible workplace? Reka will tell you:

Reka Bokros
Operator Shared Service Center
Reka, it is great that you are open to sharing your story. Maybe you could start by telling us, what your current position is and what responsibilities you have?
I have worked at the Shared Service Center since the beginning. I have administrative and operational activities. I book incoming invoices, and partly charge costs. I work closely with the operations department, I am involved in complaint handling processes, and I am in contact with the other Hellmann offices worldwide.
And you have been with Hellmann since September 2022, right? How was your first day of working at Hellmann?
I had a very pleasant first day. Everybody welcomed me very nicely, I got to know my colleagues, my managers, the office and the company. Everyone was supportive and helped me to settle in.
What excites you the most about your job and your job field?
It's exciting to see the cargo arrive from one point to another, even from another continent. I'm proud to work here.
Why is Hellmann the best employer for you?
As a mother with young kids, it is important for me to be able to work part-time. The company is flexible and working from home is convenient. I have all the opportunities to work and spend time with my family. I have not experienced this in other companies. It's not easy to go back to work with kids, but I feel this company is supportive enough.
What is the best memory of you and your team?
For me, the times we spent together organized by the company have become real memories.
What does working at Hellmann mean to you?
Opportunities. Opportunities for a family-friendly workplace, opportunities for learning and development.
Reka’s application tips:
The learning curve is longer, you need to be patient and persistent. But the work you put in will pay off if you don't lose enthusiasm, if you don't lose the drive to achieve your goal.