" As soon as I entered that atmosphere, I felt like I belonged there."
SAIT MURAT OZEN , Business Development Manager
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What makes Hellmann's working environment so special? Have a look at Sait's story:

Business Development Manager
It’s awesome that you are willing to share your story. Would you tell us, what’s your current position at Hellmann and what your job looks like?
I am a business development manager at Hellmann. I work mainly in sales.
Can you remember your first day of working at Hellmann, what was your first impression and did it prove true?
I remember the day I first started like it was today. It was HAMANN-HELLMANN at that time. When I first got my job, I was very young and shy, but as soon as I entered that atmosphere, I felt like I belonged there.
And now you are here, Why did you choose this job, where did your interest in this field arise from?
Actually, I wanted to work more in the tourism sector. Logistics was a booming sector at that time that attracted my attention. The fact that it was a world-class working environment when viewed from the outside also attracted my attention.
And how do you experience support within the departments?
So far, I have worked in 3 different departments and I can say that we are truly a team in all of them. Especially when I moved into the sales field, I received and continue to receive the full support of all my friends.
So how would you describe your team?
I think we are a team that is not disconnected from each other and attaches great importance to communication.
So what excites you most about this job?
Definitely, meeting new people in sales and organizing their work gives both excitement and happiness.
How do you experience the working atmosphere at Hellmann?
There is an environment that carries the F.A.M.L.Y value in its DNA to the fullest. Among all the Hellmann offices in the world, I think of Hellmann Turkey as the place where this value is felt the most.
If you had to describe what working at Hellmann means to you in only two sentences, what would they be?
Where one of my greatest chances in life began and continue.