"I feel that I’m being treasured working at Hellmann"
SAM WONG, Warehouse Supervisor
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Sam has been with Hellmann for over 20 years now! Would you like to learn more about his experiences?

Warehouse Supervisor
Sam, thank you for sharing your story! Could you tell us about how your journey started?
I started at Hellmann in 2002 as a temporary warehouse worker, then was hired to be the warehouse worker and promoted to warehouse supervisor.
Impressive! What about your job fascinates you the most?
What excites me about my job is I have the skills and experience necessary to help the company reach its goals. I’m fascinated by how freight forwarder operation changed from where I started till now in this industry.
It must be interesting to experience how the field has developed over the years. Is there something you’re proud of in your work?
Being part of the logistics pipeline makes me proud. Working in the warehouse plays a very important role in the industry in managing the activities to ensure accurate inventory management, timely order fulfillment, and cost-effective operations.
That sure is a lot of responsibility! What has been your favorite moment at Hellmann so far?
The best moments at Hellmann are when we receive compliments from customers.
It’s always rewarding to be recognized for your work, isn’t it? Could you tell us more about what working at Hellmann is like?
My 21 years working with Hellmann have proved that Hellmann is a systematic organization. The working atmosphere at Hellmann is pleasant and I feel I’m being treasured working at Hellmann.
That’s great to hear! Could you give us more insights into what your team and your team-work looks like?
Our team manages our own duties but back each other up whenever necessary. The team members understand each other’s duties and responsibilities without needing to spend time on checking who should be doing the work. The teamwork is characterized by open-mindedness and dependability
So you have a team you can depend on- that’s wonderful! In your opinion: What makes Hellmann a good employer?
Hellmann is a special employer to me since it’s the longest employer of my life. Hellmann is a great place to work for the job security and work-life balance.
If you had to quickly sum it up: What does working at Hellmann mean to you?
Working at Hellmann means to me to deal with the challenge of solving complex problems and the sense of accomplishment that comes with finding a solution.