"I meet interesting people every day!"
Ula Marciniak, Key Account Manager
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Do you want to find out what makes working at Hellmann special? Ula will tell you:

Ula Marciniak
Key Account Manager
Ula, thanks for sharing your story. Maybe you could start by telling us, what your current position is and what responsibilities you have?
I am currently working as a Key Account Manager. In this role, I am responsible for managing client relationships. I prepare offers for them, seek appropriate solutions based on our capabilities, and negotiate the terms of cooperation. In essence, I bring customers onboard with Hellmann, but I also ensure that everything runs smoothly on both sides during our collaboration. I wouldn't be able to do this effectively without the support and commitment of my colleagues from other departments. That's why I see myself as a bridge between customers and operations.
And you have been with Hellmann since March 2016, right? What excites you the most about your job and your job field?
The fact that every day is different and there is never a dull moment! I am a very sociable person. I meet interesting people along my journey, from whom I am constantly learning something new.
How was your first day of working at Hellmann?
It was quite a long time ago, and I don't remember all the details, but I recall being warmly welcomed and immediately feeling at home.
And what is working at Hellmann like? How would you describe the working atmosphere?
Mostly very busy but always satisfying. In every organization, people are the greatest asset. At Hellmann, we have a wealth of valuable individuals who shape the atmosphere and contribute to the company's success.
I feel comfortable working with my colleagues we do not compete with each other but we support each other. When a client surprises me with an unusual question - which still happens quite often - I know that someone from my team will know the answer for sure.

And how would you describe your team?
This is a great team with extensive knowledge and experience. We support and help each other. Each of us is different and each of us is great at different topics or has slightly different skills and that's why we complement each other. Although I have only been working in this team for less than a year, we have known each other since the beginning of my work at Hellmann.
Ula's application tip:
Be open, show your true self and stay positive.