"The responsibility of being involved since its establishment has always kept my sense of belonging strong."
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What is working at Hellmann like? Umit will tell you:

IT Manager
It’s awesome that you are willing to share your story. Would you tell us, what’s your current position at Hellmann and what your job looks like?
I carry out two duties simultaneously as IT Manager and Quality Manager. I started working at Hellmann in 1999. In addition to my role as Information Technology Manager, I have also been working as Quality Manager for the last 10 years.
Can you remember your first day of working at Hellmann, what was your first impression and did it prove true?
On my first day of work; Since the company is a newly established company, I can say that I feel more responsibility and excitement from being among the founding team. I saw it as an opportunity to show myself better.
And now you are here, Why did you choose this job, where did your interest in this field arise from?
As a long-term career goal; I decided to pursue a career in the field of "Informatics" because it is very open to development and because I have the opportunity to work in every sector.
What about collaboration at Hellmann, what role does it play in your opinion?
I realized that I benefit more from both my manager and my colleagues, especially in projects that require group work and where communication within the company is more prominent, as long as there is transparent information sharing. I tried to strengthen written communication to make this as easy to implement as possible.
So how would you describe your team?
We are a team focused on troubleshooting, improving and goal-oriented.
So what excites you most about this job?
To be able to concretely monitor the improvement and create general satisfaction.
How do you experience the working atmosphere at Hellmann?
With management that is away from excessive discipline, pressure and control, and cares about commitment to its duties and goals, it is possible for employees to establish more sincere and solid relationships, as superior-subordinate relationships do not have strict rules.
If you had to describe what working at Hellmann means to you in only two sentences, what would they be?
The responsibility of being involved since its establishment has always kept my sense of belonging strong. For almost half of my life.